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Body Contouring 101 Course deal

500 US dollars
450 Race Street Cambridge MD, 21613

Service Description

What is Body Contouring? Non-Invasive Body Contouring is a Non- Invasive (No Injections and Non-Surgical) Treatment that can be performed to help enhance the appearance of the body with the use of FDA Approved Equipment. What is the main difference between liposuction and non-invasive body sculpting? Some people use the term non-invasive liposuction for non-surgical or non- invasive body sculpting. But there is no suction removal of fat in a non- invasive procedure. This is the main difference between liposuction and its non-invasive procedures. Unlike invasive procedures, body contouring is less aggressive and does not have any risk. Invasive procedure must be performed by a Licensed and Certified Physician, while body contouring can be performed by a technician without being overseen by a physician. What happens to all the fat that is destroyed in the non-surgical lipo? It gets metabolized by the body and gets excreted along with the feces. This happens instantly after the treatment is performed, which is why this is the most sought-after procedure. The Science behind Non-Invasive Body Contouring Non-invasive body contouring revolves around the premise of using mechanisms that help to burn or kill fat cells without the need to suck them out of the body. Unlike liposuction which employs a specialized machine to siphon out subcutaneous fat from specific areas, non-surgical body contouring employs a myriad of different machines, each with a specific method of fat elimination, to reduce the number of fat cells underneath the skin either by shrinking, or killing them. This makes these procedures viable for individuals who do not really require extensive fat removal. It also makes non-invasive methods more affordable than liposuction.

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Located on the corner of Race and Muir Street 450 Race St, Cambridge, MD 21613, USA

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